Wisconsin Waterway
Access Abandonment
(per s. NR 1.92, Wis. Adm. Code)
Historically, DNR Waterway Access Coordinators helped towns, counties, and waterfront property owners through the access abandonment process when public access at specific sites was no longer warranted. This service provides both waterway access and title protection. Bruce Neeb was one of five regional Waterway Access Coordinators, serving from 2003-2017, prior to his retirement from state service.
Bruce was actively involved in the drafting of guidance and manual code related to access abandonment, and helped to train two DNR Real Estate staff who took over state-wide access abandonment responsibilities early in 2017. He continues to work with clients as a private consultant, helping them navigate the s. NR 1.92 process and prepare access abandonment requests for DNR consideration. In 2015, Bruce prepared the attached video to aid with the training of DNR Fisheries, Law Enforcement and Water Management staff who are necessarily involved in the process.
More information and background on the NR 1.92 process can be found on the DNR’s Waterway Access Abandonment Website